President’s message

O-H, Ohiowa Buckeyes!

The Ohio State University Alumni Club of Iowa is a group of Ohio State graduates and non-alums who are Buckeye fans. As a club, our mission is to promote The Ohio State University through a range of activities, including game watches, special events, community relations, student recruitment and scholarship, friendship, networking, and fundraising. We are always open to new ideas—if you have one, let us know—and always looking for people interested in becoming more involved.

Going back to when our club was informally founded in 2003 as nothing more than Buckeye fans in Iowa wanting to watch Ohio State football games together, we have had one constant rule: you do not have to be an Ohio State graduate or an active member of the Ohio State Alumni Association to be an Ohiowa Buckeye. Everyone is welcome. The way we see it, anyone who is a fan of the Buckeyes is a friend of ours and we’re happy to count you as one of us. That said, it’s also been our goal to be more than Buckeye fans watching games together but to be ambassadors promoting the University, its vision, mission and commitment to excellence beyond sports. Football is an easy flag to rally around but we understand not every Ohio State alum is a sports fan and for us to build a stronger community with deeper reach and roots in Iowa, we need to stand for more than football game watches. The mission of the Ohio State Alumni Club of Iowa is to provide a means for alumni in Iowa to meet and build relationships while also promoting, supporting and celebrating Ohio State’s academic and athletic achievements.

So be sure to spread the word about us to every Buckeye you know in Iowa and to any and all that you happen to meet. Hello starts with O-H!

Go Bucks!

Kevin Huerkamp, President, Ohio State University Alumni Club of Iowa